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Moscow today opened a monument to the Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro, he stands in the area of ​​the
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falcon on the square, which five years ago received the name of this legendary man
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at the ceremony came Vladimir Putin and President of Cuba Miguel de Escanel Bermudez Russian
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media told about his last meeting with the Cuban politician, according to him, then Fidel Castro touched on
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the topic relevant and today I was lucky dear friends to meet Fidel Castro many times
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and in my memory there were many hour conversations with him, especially our last conversation in July
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2014, he talked about things surprisingly consonant time the time of the formation of a
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multipolar world order about the fact that independence and dignity are not traded about the fact that
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every people have the right to free development to choose their own path in a truly
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fair world there can be no place for the dictatorship of robbery and not colonialism, and later in the Kremlin
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negotiations took place, President Cuba declared the unfairness of sanctions against Moscow and
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Havana, he also called the categorically unacceptable situation with the approach of NATO to the borders of Russia

This video in Russian was translated to English, Русский on November 22, 2022, using Targum.video AI translation service.


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