
Subtitle language:
00:00 → 00:10
We, representatives of economically developed and free regions of the so-called Russia, declare that living in the Empire is enough.
00:10 → 00:18
It is enough to go on the leash of the force that turns our children into the killers of cannon fodder and also robs our lands.
00:18 → 00:26
It's time to declare the right to independence, because we have the right to live in a free world and to use all the benefits that all normal countries use.
00:26 → 00:32
We declare at the beginning of the process of separation and separation from Moscow and the first referendums of free people,
00:32 → 00:36
who inhabit Konigsberg, Ingria, Kuban, Siberia and the Urals.
00:36 → 00:38
It will be an online referendum.
00:38 → 00:40
Yes, it will be an online referendum.
00:40 → 00:41
Absolutely online.
00:41 → 00:47
A special platform and a website for voting will be launched soon.
00:47 → 00:48
Already launched, I remember.
00:48 → 01:00
Where everyone can show their will and statements.
01:00 → 01:04
What are the reasons? Are you unhappy with the economic situation?
01:04 → 01:19
The main reason is that now Moscow is criminally plundering the territory of the so-called Russian Federation.
01:19 → 01:30
All funds that are mined in the territory of the Russian Federation, starting from financial funds, ending with funds that come from the extraction of resources,
01:30 → 01:45
go to Moscow, where they are spent on the discretion of a small group of people on what is completely uninteresting for the residents of the so-called Russian Federation.
01:45 → 01:55
The funds are spent in this case on war, on aggressive attacks on independent and independent Ukraine, on the destruction of peaceful people, on the destruction of infrastructure, on the murder of children,
01:55 → 02:00
and the residents of these regions are sent in a criminal order, like cannon fodder.
02:00 → 02:10
Many have their heads clogged with bad propaganda, which is spread in Moscow, on the territory of the so-called Russian Federation.
02:10 → 02:17
Therefore, the peoples of Russia must be free from this occupation.
02:17 → 02:26
The people of Russia are ready to declare their independence. In order to do this, we have officially developed a platform that will be launched and will work in the near future.
02:26 → 02:28
Please introduce yourself.
02:28 → 02:32
Stanislav Voloskiy, representative of the Independent Republic of Belarus.
02:32 → 02:34
And you?
02:34 → 02:41
I am Andrew Solmanis, also a member of the Committee of the Independent Republic of Tiberias.
02:41 → 02:43
And you, please?
02:43 → 02:47
Independent Republic of Tiberias, Organization of the Small New Independent Tiberias.
02:47 → 02:56
Tiberias will be free again. Now the Kremlin is using the descendants of the Zaporozhye Cossacks as cannon fodder and as a killer.
02:56 → 03:04
It must be said that the Krasnodar Kremlin is practically leading in the third place, in quotes, among the losses of the so-called special operations.
03:04 → 03:14
We completely agree with this position.

This video in Russian was translated to English, Русский on February 03, 2023, using Targum.video AI translation service.


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