General Colonel Mizintsev's role in supplying ammunition to Wagner PMC

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00:00 → 00:04
Now the important point, for which they shot Colonel General Mizintsev.
00:04 → 00:09
Colonel General Mizintsev, as they say, is an Apache.
00:09 → 00:24
A man, a rare general of the general staff, who is a simple man, without any super pretensions.
00:24 → 00:36
When he took command of the rear, he was very pragmatic about ammunition and weapons.
00:36 → 00:42
First, the necessary armaments began to be repaired.
00:42 → 00:47
He put it on the stream, did it well and did it well.
00:47 → 00:50
I went to meet all the deadlines myself.
00:50 → 00:55
During his travels, he visited the far-flung Far Eastern arsenals.
00:55 → 01:05
In the Far Eastern arsenals, since we have been in absolute neglect since the age of 12,
01:05 → 01:10
The whole time, they were saying that Serdyukov was a degenerate and he screwed up.
01:10 → 01:19
That's why those arsenals that Serdyukov once blew up, they remained untouched.
01:19 → 01:27
And they were carrying a large amount of unusable Category 4 ammunition.
01:27 → 01:33
This fourth category was carefully collected by Mizintsev.
01:33 → 01:41
Ammunition to ammunition, the shell of the combat unit and so on was completed.
01:41 → 01:54
From these complete munitions he passed them, artillery munitions, both to us and to other units.
01:54 → 02:02
And everybody knows that, and I think we're still grateful to him for not losing people.
02:02 → 02:11
When the shell famine started, we were getting about 30% of our applications.
02:11 → 02:23
Our applications are five or six times less than what is required by the calculations that are taught in the General Staff.
02:23 → 02:28
But we have to remember that there's another form of calculation.
02:28 → 02:47
I set the task yesterday and the high-level experts have calculated, according to all the top secret decrees, including those signed in Shoigu in 2017,
02:47 → 02:54
How does the lack of ammunition affect the casualties?
02:54 → 03:04
The figures are:. In the delivery of the munitions that we ordered, that we ordered and that we are supposed to, because it is significantly higher,
03:04 → 03:15
It's the ones we ordered, based on the number of guns, based on the characteristics of the enemy, the number of personnel and everything else,
03:15 → 03:24
If we're given 100% of the ammunition, the monthly sanitary losses are up to 10%.
03:24 → 03:34
If we're given the amount we've been given, and that's no more than the average over the last six months, 32 percent,
03:34 → 03:42
The average sanitation loss over the six months was 27% per month.
03:42 → 03:58
I mean, if in the midst of a hard, brutal, bloody war, we could lose 60% of our personnel killed and wounded,
03:58 → 04:08
So, based on the estimates that we have, that's 170% killed and wounded.
04:08 → 04:14
Of course, our losses are not as high as 170%.
04:14 → 04:26
But the difference in the dead and wounded, and there are tens of thousands of them, they lie on the conscience of those who did not give us the ammunition.
04:26 → 04:32
This is Defense Minister Shoigu and Chief of Staff Gerasimov.
04:32 → 04:38
All the applications were written, all the demands were made, we were not given them.
04:38 → 04:51
So for the tens of thousands of dead and wounded, they will be held accountable to their mothers and children, and I will make it happen.
04:51 → 04:57
I want to draw your attention again to what 27% per month is.
04:57 → 04:59
For the round bill, 25%.
04:59 → 05:06
25% a month, that means in four months, everyone must die.
05:06 → 05:20
And that's only because the officials aren't doing their jobs, aren't using what they've been taught.
05:20 → 05:24
Gerasimov was trained, Shoigu, as far as I know, was not.
05:24 → 05:34
And that's why their unprofessionalism will kill tens of thousands of Russian guys and it won't forgive itself.

New video by Prigozhin suggests that General Colonel Mizintsev may have supplied Wagner PMC with ammunition for money or something else. Details of his pragmatic approach to weapon maintenance and supply chain management.

This video in Russian was translated to English, Русский on May 05, 2023, using AI translation service.


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