Exploring the Lo-Fi Girl Lore: A New Website Launch?

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Hi guys, I just woke up. Everything is happening all at once. Let's go over the lo-fi girl lore
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because shit is happening with lo-fi girl right now. So last night, April 10th, lo-fi girl is gone
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from her chair, so is the cat. But before that, this little blue light was blinking. I went to
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their Twitter. This is what I found. So to kick this whole thing off, this tweet. This tweet six
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days ago. Still haven't figured out what my cat has been staring at this whole time. Remember,
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there's a cat that sits in the window that looks there. You see a little blue window.
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Always wonder what's behind that blue window. What do you think? This little blue window started
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blinking and they turned their heads and they look at it because that is not normal. Normally,
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she's looking at the computer and the caption was something along the lines of,
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oop, now the blue window is blinking. What do you think it could be? And everyone was speculating
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that it was Morse code. One day later, they posted this. So the blue window flashing appeared to be
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Morse code redirecting to the website lo-fi world.com. Thanks for your help. What do you think
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it might be? And this is what the lo-fi world thing says. We also get the hint that this is what
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she has been working on this whole time because every single time we see her, she's typing on
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the computer. We just assume it's like homework or something. No, this whole time she has been
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working on a website called lo-fi world.com. If you click the site, it's not completed yet, but
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it's because this next tweet. 19 hours ago, it says the download is finally complete. Should I click
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the launch button? Once again, you see her hands indicating that she has been working on this this
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whole time, that she is tweeting this, right? This lo-fi girl. And she is about to launch something
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called lo-fi world. 13 hours ago, they posted this. This has been their banner and everything.
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It says 1758.42. I'm assuming that is the launch time because if you zoom in, the date circled on
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the calendar in this mystery room is April 11th, 2023. Today. Now, if you go and watch the stream
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right now, it looks like this. It's actually got, it's like at the blue window. So we're going to go
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back and you see that it has progressively gone out of her window. So it started where it was,
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out of her window and closer and closer and closer to that blue window until we get to where we are
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now, which is looking inside the window. Now let's go back to what it looks like on the thing. And I'm
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assuming if we get close, yep, there's a door right there. There's a door right there. I'm assuming that
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that is the end point that they have been screenshotting and posting all over the lo-fi
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girl Twitter. I listen to lo-fi girl every single day. I'm all of a sudden deep in this lore that I
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didn't even know existed. I just thought it was like for funsies. I think it's going to be a way
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to introduce a new either character or a new setting. It's called lo-fi world. So I'm assuming
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a bunch of different characters and a bunch of different settings that you can go pick a specific
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lo-fi station. And it's going to expand past just lo-fi girl. Although I love lo-fi girl.
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You can still watch the stream. I will be watching it all day. I'd love to know your thoughts.
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Big deal for lo-fi girl. Okay. Comment what you think.

A Twitter user delves into the mysterious disappearance of Lo-Fi Girl and her cat, uncovering clues that lead to a new website launch called Lo-Fi World.

This video in English was translated to English on April 13, 2023, using Targum.video AI translation service.


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